WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 31.01.07 Paper 1 Delivering the National Park Plan Prepared by: Jane Hope Purpose: To seek views from the ViSIT Forum on the mechanisms for industry engagement in delivering the National Park Plan. Background o National Park Plan is a plan for the Park, delivered by range of partners, not just CNPA. Equally wide range of stakeholders have an interest in the outcomes. o CNPA need mechanisms for engaging with the right people and organisations to ensure: -short term delivery of actions ; -medium term assessment of progress in achieving objectives (indicators); -medium to long term view of future challenges, and implications for Park and Plan. o Industry need voice for issues / opportunities, less duplication of meetings, focus for their effort & time, 2 way communication Framework Suggested/Agreed by Board Delivery Teams(7) Management/oversight of delivery of action plans. One Team for each Priority for Action Advisory Groups(3) How well strategic objectives are being delivered. One group for each Strategic Objective. Meet one or twice a year? CNPA Board Strategy Group -challenges ahead; what needed in the future by private and other sectors. Meet once a year? Factors to Consider 1. The above framework aims to draw a distinction between the various “levels” of engagement, from working on the detail of delivery of action plans, to strategic planning. In reality these overlap, but in order to make good use of people’s time, we need to be clear on the purpose of each of the groups. 2. Most of the resources for delivery lie within the public sector bodies;. But need a balance of private, voluntary and public, and move towards enabling all sectors to deliver. The CCC, DMOs, tourism groups etc are key and without them investing time and money in skills, GTBS etc the Park Plan won’t be effective. So delivery teams must have a mix. 3. Members of the industry very clearly have a role to play on the Advisory Groups and the strategy group, both of which will take more of a role of standing back and analysing/advising on direction of travel, without getting into the detail. 4. The above mechanisms need to recognise that public sector officials attend these meetings as part of their job; members of the industry give up their time as a direct cost to their business, and therefore there is a judgement to be made on the appropriate frequency of meetings. The above scheme offers some thoughts on this. Questions for the ViSIT Forum 1. Is this framework helpful, distinguishing between monitoring delivery on action plans; advising on how well objectives are being met; and looking to the future? Are there any better alternatives? 2. How can the most successful aspects of the ViSIT Forum be transferred to the proposed new arrangements? 3. What level of involvement would be useful? 4. How do ViSIT forum members engage with various priorities/objectives and what mechanisms might work for sharing information between various advisory groups, delivery teams and the wider industry? Notes for Information: Priorities for Action (7) in NPPlan (proposal is to have a Delivery team for each of these) # Conserving and enhancing Biodiversity and landscapes # Integrating public support for land management # Supporting sustainable deer management # Providing high quality opportunities for outdoor access # Making tourism and business more sustainable # Making housing more affordable and sustainable # Raising awareness and understanding of the Park Strategic Objectives (3) in NPPlan (Proposal is to have an advisory group for each of these) # Conserving and enhancing the Park # Living and working in the Park # Enjoying and understanding the Park Local Outdoor Access Forum The existing Local Outdoor Access Forum, while having an advisory role, is a statutory requirement under the Land Reform Scotland Act and is therefore likely to remain unchanged.